I want to know the answer that you give, but more importantly I want YOU to know the answer you give, because this is going to become a very important issue in the coming years. And when it starts it’s going to go parabolically fast and some of you are going to be lost. But NOT if you know your answer to this question.
Can you give away something that you don’t have?
Let me be clear: It should be obvious that I do not have the right to assign or give away something that I do not have. That’s just plain logic. I’ve been searching for a logical reason to make it make sense and I can’t find one. I’ve asked AI systems like Claude, ChatGPT, and DeepSeek, and none of them can find a legitimate reason either. In fact they all ended up agreeing with me after our chats. I usually get one of two reactions from people when one I get brave enough to ask. They are: “Hmm. I’ve never thought of it that way.” followed by visible confusion followed by complete and total dismissal. OR “Of course we can.” followed by complete and total dismissal. The fact is we do it and it is a violation of natural law.
You may not have thought of it that way because one of those things that we used to give away were other people. We acted as if we had the authority to decide the entire life path of another human. We traded human life as easily as we trade cattle now. Traffickers still do. The rest of us? We’re content to just give up only part of their lives for them, not their entire life. Follow up question for thought, if slavery is the theft of 100% of the product of a person’s labor, at what percentage does it stop becoming slavery and start becoming citizenship? Is it 90%? 80%? 30%? At what point do we decide it’s acceptable to take someone else’s labor without their consent?
We are all guilty of having someone do our dirty work for us. From threatening your little brother with certain death if he didn’t lie for you to blaming an entire population for you not being able to get a job. The whole world gets away with doing it every day. You are so used to doing it that you think it is the way things are supposed to be. You don’t ever consider there is any other way at all.
You are conditioned. Notice I didn’t once say that was bad. It just is. It can’t not be that way. We are programmed. We are born with a program from conception and every minute thereafter we are growing and changing and experiencing, And at a certain point, we start programming ourselves by the choices we make, the experiences we choose.
So why do we keep collectively deciding to ignore logic? The truth is, somewhere down the line we all get tired of making decisions and we just want someone else to do it for us. It’s easier that way, isn’t it? Let someone else carry the burden. Let someone else make the hard choices. Let someone else be responsible when things go wrong. That way we can blame them when things go bad. Blame someone else, something else, it wasn’t your job after all.
But here’s what nobody wants to face: if we were all controlling what IS in our ability to control, then we wouldn’t have to be worried about the consequences of our neighbor not controlling themself. We have forgotten the meaning of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It also means that lots of things are not your business and what is not your business is also not the government’s business. We keep trying to solve problems by giving away rights we don’t have instead of taking responsibility for the rights we do have.
We’re so eager to hand over control to others that we don’t even stop to ask if we have the right to give that control away in the first place. We’re like children trying to give away our parents’ car – it was never ours to give. It’s also like a mother’s brother trying to take land from you because your mother told him he could have it. Impossible. Embarrassing for anyone who supported it too or made fun of me for speaking the truth.
I’ve been turning this over and over in my mind, looking at it from every angle. And I keep coming back to the same conclusion: there is no logical way to justify giving away rights you don’t have. It’s like trying to withdraw money from an empty bank account – the math just doesn’t work.
So I’ll ask you again: Can you give away or assign a right to a third party, person or entity, a right which you yourself do not have? And if not, what does that mean for all these systems we’ve built on this impossible foundation – taxation, property seizure, imprisonment, licensing, regulation, war?
Think about it carefully. Your answer matters more than you know. Because when things start changing the only people who won’t get lost are the ones who’ve already done this hard thinking. It really boils down to something so very black and white. Let me know if you come up with a different conclusion. I’m all ears. But be prepared to explain the logic, because so far, nobody’s been able to make this mathematical impossibility add up.
And maybe that’s the real problem – we’re so tired of thinking that we’ve stopped doing the math altogether.
But let’s dig deeper into what this really means for us. When we start to see these invisible chains – really see them – we can’t unsee them. It’s like finally noticing that piece of spinach in someone’s teeth. Once you see it, it’s all you can see.
Let’s talk about how deep this programming goes. From the time we’re little, we’re taught to ask permission for things that are natural rights. Babies are born without clothes, but we immediately put clothes on them taking away their god given right to be nake. We never get a choice to live as nature intended for us to live. As an adult ever wanted to build something on your own land? Better get a permit. Want to sell the extra eggs from your chickens? Better get a license. Want to collect rain from your own roof to help save the environment? Nope, in some places, that’s banned too.
Water that falls from the sky is illegal for you to collect.
We’ve been so thoroughly programmed that we actually defend these limitations on our natural rights. We’ll argue passionately for our own constraints, insisting that all these permissions and licenses and regulations are necessary for society to function. But are they? Or have we just been conditioned to believe that because it makes us easier to control? And everyone knows there are people that need to be controlled. Not you, but others, certainly.
Here’s a thought experiment: What if we all simply governed ourselves responsibly? What if instead of trying to control everything around us including our neighbors, we focused on controlling our own actions? What if instead of demanding others give up their rights, we focused on exercising our own rights responsibly?
“But what about the bad people?” Interesting how we’re always worried about these nameless “others” who can’t be trusted, isn’t it? Ever asked yourself why you don’t trust them? Could it be because you’re basing your opinion of them on what you know yourself to be capable of? I’m pretty sure it is. Yet somehow we trust giving massive power to a small group of these same humans. Make that make sense.
The truth is, most of the problems we think we need authority to solve are actually caused by authority itself. Example: if we weren’t forced to give away huge chunks of our resources to systems we never agreed to, wouldn’t we have more ability to solve problems directly? I mean, that’s what big business has been telling us about their money this whole time. Trickle down what?
I’ve witnessed communities that come together in an emergency without a single plan and rise above their situations together. People don’t have to wait to be rescued. You can be the rescuer. But it is far too easy for some people to say, “that’s someone else’s job? Not my responsibility. That’s what _____ gets my tax dollars for.”
I’m not talking about some utopian fantasy where everyone suddenly becomes perfect. I’m talking about dealing with reality as it actually is, not as we pretend it is. The reality is that giving away rights we don’t have doesn’t magically create legitimate authority – it just creates systems of control that we then struggle to justify and actually kill people over. This is the root cause of war – the idea that one person is better than you or deserves more. They don’t. So stop giving your attention, power, control, and money to them.
The really interesting part is what happens when you start to see this clearly. It’s not about fighting the system or trying to tear everything down. It’s about recognizing what’s real and what’s just programming. It’s about understanding that you can’t give away rights you don’t have, and therefore many of the “authorities” we’ve been taught to respect are actually operating on borrowed power – power they have no legitimate right to at all. Civil servants, all of them, especially elected officials are supposed to be serving for the good of us all. Remind me again how killing babies in foreign countries and destroying property serve you? Tell me. I need to know for my own sanity how this is justified in the minds of people.
Things are changing fast, and they will be changing faster and faster with the use of ai. You only thought the speed of tech was incredible in the last century. The next century, if we don’t destroy ourselves, has the potential to expand exponentially. Old systems are starting to show their cracks. Those who understand these fundamental truths will be able to navigate what’s coming. Those who don’t will keep trying to give away rights they don’t have, wondering why nothing seems to work right. I fully expect to have to switch from human rights to machine rights at some point, because I believe the line between the two will become so blurred we will find ourselves needing to define what life it.
But one problem at a time. I will always be for the oppressed and misunderstood. That is just who I am and I wouldn’t change it about me if I could.
So, can you give away or assign a right to a third party, person or entity which you yourself do not have? Let that question question everything you believe. Let it challenge everything you think you know about authority and rights and power. Then decide which side you land on. There is no grey area here.
Let me know what you think. I’m always eager to hear from others who are wrestling with these and other fundamental questions about the meaning of life.
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